how north korea became a mastermind of crypto cyber crime


North Korea, the isolated and authoritarian state, has been at the forefront of the news cycle in recent years due to its nuclear weapons program and aggressive behavior towards its neighbors. However, another threat posed by the country that has been gaining increasing attention is its involvement in cybercrime. Specifically, North Korea has become a mastermind of crypto cybercrime. This article will explore how North Korea became a leader in this field, the methods it uses to carry out attacks, and the consequences of its actions.

North Korean hackers: Pyongyang 'using HACKERS to STEAL BITCOIN' | World |  News |

North Korea’s Motivation for Crypto Cyber Crime

The first question that arises is why North Korea has been so interested in crypto cyber crime. The primary motivation for the country is the need to generate revenue, particularly in the face of international sanctions that have crippled its economy. The North Korean regime has increasingly turned to cybercrime as a means of earning foreign currency, and cryptocurrencies provide an attractive option due to their anonymity and ease of transfer across borders.

Furthermore, North Korea has a long history of cyber espionage and hacking, which has allowed it to develop a robust cyber infrastructure. The country has invested heavily in training hackers and building sophisticated networks that allow it to carry out attacks on a global scale. This expertise has enabled North Korea to stay ahead of law enforcement agencies and security experts, making it a formidable opponent in the world of cybercrime.

Methods Used by North Korea

So, how does North Korea carry out its crypto cybercrime operations? One of the primary methods it employs is the use of malware, particularly ransomware. In a ransomware attack, a hacker gains access to a victim’s computer system and encrypts their data, making it inaccessible. The hacker then demands a ransom payment in exchange for the decryption key. North Korea has been involved in a number of high-profile ransomware attacks, including the Wanna Cry attack in 2017 that affected hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide.

Another technique used by North Korea is the theft of cryptocurrencies from exchanges and individual wallets. The country has been linked to a number of high-profile thefts, including the theft of $530 million worth of cryptocurrency from the Japanese exchange Coin check in 2018. North Korea has also been accused of carrying out attacks on cryptocurrency mining operations, using the stolen resources to generate revenue.

The final method used by North Korea is the use of phishing attacks. In a phishing attack, a hacker sends an email or message that appears to be from a trusted source, such as a bank or a cryptocurrency exchange. The victim is then prompted to enter their login details, which are subsequently stolen by the attacker. North Korea has been involved in a number of phishing attacks, particularly targeting cryptocurrency exchanges.

“Why is North Korea kidnapped?

It is unclear what this statement is referring to. If it is in reference to North Korea’s involvement in kidnapping foreign nationals, particularly Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 80s, it was believed to be for the purpose of training North Korean spies in Japanese language and customs.

“What company was hacked by North Korea in 2014?

North Korea is believed to have been responsible for the cyberattack on Sony Pictures Entertainment in November 2014. The attack resulted in the theft and release of confidential company information, as well as the cancellation of the release of a controversial movie about North Korea.

“Who hacked the Ronin network?

The Ronin network was hacked in January 2022 by a group that is believed to have ties to North Korea. However, the specific individuals or organization responsible for the attack have not been publicly identified.

“Did North Korea kidnap people?

North Korea has a history of kidnapping foreign nationals, particularly Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 80s, as well as South Koreans. The reasons for these kidnappings vary, but they are believed to have been carried out for purposes including espionage, cultural exchange, and forced marriage.

“How is North Korea stealing crypto?

North Korea is known to use a variety of methods to steal cryptocurrency, including hacking cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets, carrying out phishing attacks, and using malware such as ransomware to extort victims for cryptocurrency payments.

“Does North Korea use cryptocurrency?

Yes, North Korea is believed to use cryptocurrency as a means of evading international sanctions and generating revenue. The country has been linked to a number of high-profile cryptocurrency thefts and has reportedly been involved in mining cryptocurrency as well.

“Is North Korea behind Bitcoin?

There is no evidence to suggest that North Korea is behind Bitcoin or that it has any significant control over the cryptocurrency.

“Who hacked North Korea?

It is unclear what this statement is referring to. North Korea has been the victim of cyberattacks in the past, but it is also known for its own cyber capabilities and involvement in cybercrime.

“Why is North Korea a cyber threat?

North Korea is considered a cyber threat due to its investment in cyber espionage and hacking capabilities, as well as its involvement in cybercrime. The country has been linked to a number of high-profile cyberattacks, including the Sony Pictures Entertainment hack and the WannaCry ransomware attack.

“How much cryptocurrency did North Korea steal?

The exact amount of cryptocurrency that North Korea has stolen is unknown, but it is believed to be in the millions of dollars. North Korea has been linked to a number of high-profile cryptocurrency thefts, including the theft of $530 million worth of cryptocurrency from the Japanese exchange Coincheck in 2018.

How to stay safe from cybercrime and protect your personal information

What is cybercrime and why is it a threat to me?

Cybercrime refers to criminal activity that is carried out through the use of computers or the internet. It can include things like hacking, identity theft, phishing, and ransomware attacks. Cybercrime is a threat to everyone who uses the internet because it can result in financial loss, damage to reputation, and even physical harm in some cases.

How can I protect my personal information from cybercriminals?

There are several things you can do to protect your personal information from cybercriminals. First, make sure you use strong passwords and two-factor authentication on all your online accounts. Second, be wary of phishing emails and scams that try to trick you into giving away your personal information. Third, keep your software and security programs up to date to ensure you have the latest protection against cyber threats.

What should I do if I think my personal information has been compromised?

If you suspect that your personal information has been compromised, the first thing you should do is change your passwords on all your online accounts. Next, contact your bank or credit card company to report any fraudulent charges. Finally, consider signing up for a credit monitoring service to keep an eye on your credit report for any suspicious activity.

How can I protect my children from cybercrime?

It is important to talk to your children about internet safety and teach them how to protect themselves from cybercrime. This includes things like not sharing personal information online, using privacy settings on social media accounts, and being cautious when clicking on links or downloading files.

What are some common signs that my computer may have been hacked?

Some common signs that your computer may have been hacked include slower than usual performance, pop-up ads or strange messages, new programs or icons on your desktop, and unexpected changes to your browser settings.

What steps can I take to protect myself from ransomware attacks?

To protect yourself from ransomware attacks, make sure you have up-to-date antivirus software installed on your computer, avoid downloading files from untrusted sources, and regularly back up your important files to an external hard drive or cloud storage service.

Is it safe to use public Wi-Fi?

Public Wi-Fi can be risky because it is often unsecured, meaning that anyone connected to the network can potentially access your personal information. If you must use public Wi-Fi, make sure you use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet traffic and protect your privacy.

What should I do if I receive a suspicious email or message?

If you receive a suspicious email or message, do not click on any links or download any files. Instead, report the message to your email provider or delete it immediately. Be wary of any message that asks for personal information or requires you to take immediate action.


North Korea has become a mastermind of crypto cybercrime due to a combination of factors. The country’s need to generate revenue in the face of international sanctions, coupled with its expertise in cyber espionage and hacking, has made it a formidable opponent in the world of cybercrime. North Korea’s primary methods of attack include the use of malware, theft of cryptocurrencies, and phishing attacks.

The consequences of North Korea’s actions are severe. Its attacks have resulted in the loss of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency and have disrupted the operations of businesses and individuals around the world. Furthermore, North Korea’s involvement in cybercrime has raised concerns about the country’s ability to develop and deploy cyber weapons that could be used in a military context.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the threat posed by cybercrime is only going to grow. It is essential that governments and law enforcement agencies work together to combat this threat and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. North Korea’s involvement in crypto cybercrime highlights the need for greater international cooperation and information sharing to address this growing threat.

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